Our Studio
You'll find our studio tucked away in the the charming hidden gem that is Mill Yard, just off Mill Street near Bedford High Street. We are Tamsin and Kayleigh - The Photography Mill. We have both worked for various photography companies and we had a very definite idea of what we felt worked, and what we want to achieve with our own studio.
It’s all about feeling comfortable and connecting with one another. We believe that portrait photography is very personal and the experience is almost as important as the finished product. With this in mind we wanted to create a warm and welcoming environment that was cosy and homely, not only to us but also to our clients. Our studio is our home from home after all (not that we live together, even though it feels that way sometimes).
How We Work
Upon booking your appointment we'll have a chat about your photography session, whether you need a specific image or just looking for some updates and something nice for the wall.
Once in the studio you should be with us for about an hour or so, depending on who is involved (newborn photoshoots can last up to 3 hours). We appreciate it may be necessary to pause the shoot, bathroom breaks etc - we've got you covered! We’ve got time to cater for your needs
Over the years we have collected a wide selection of props and backdrops which we will use throughout your shoot. However, we encourage you to bring some personal items if possible, along with an outfit change or two. You can have a look at a few examples of personalising a photoshoot here.
We are also animal friendly in the studio, they say don't work with children or animals, but in for a penny in for a pound... fur-babies are welcome too!