How to access and download images from an online gallery

Here we will be walking you through accessing your private online gallery, you will need the password and PIN we shared with you when we emailed. There are a few options to download your images, individually, favourites and all. Dive right in!

First things first!

Let’s access your gallery


Step 1

Find the gallery you’d like to access in The Photography Mill’s client area. This can be found on the top right section of our website

Step 1b
or you can follow the link in the email if it was shared to you directly

The email will also contain the password to enter the gallery, and the PIN you’ll need to download images


Step 2
Click on the category of your gallery

Step 3

Find the gallery you would like to access

Step 4

Hit the VIEW GALLERY button in the bottom right as seen above

Enter your own email address and the PASSWORD (not the PIN) for the gallery (see step 1b)


Next, let’s favourite some photos

Hover over an image, 3 small icons will appear in the bottom corner. A heart, a downward arrow and a shopping bag
See the image of the confetti cones below


To favourite an image, simply hit the heart icon

When an image has successfully been made favourite a white heart in a black circle will appear in the top right of the image

You can favourite as many images as you like. We’ll talk about downloading those later



Downloading images from the gallery

Downloading individual images

Hit the downward arrow icon on any individual image

A box will pop up like below


Hit Enter it and a dialogue box will open

Type the PIN you were given (see 1b) and hit Apply PIN


After you’ve entered the PIN a new option box will open. Tick the box for High Resolution and then hit Download


Downloading your favourite images

Once you’ve selected and marked your favourite images head on over to the Favorite section (do excuse the American spelling on the website)

In this section should be all of the images you’ve marked as your favourite images.

Next hit Download All (with the downward arrow icon) on the row below


Hit Enter it and a dialogue box will open

Type the PIN you were given (see 1b) and hit Apply PIN

Followed by the Download button

What happens next?

Skip to the section on downloading ZIP files


Downloading all images

To download every single image in the gallery, while in the Photos section hit Download All (downward arrow icon) on the below tool bar


Enter the PIN you were given (see Step1b), tick the box for High Resolution and then hit Download


Downloading ZIP files

Head over to your email inbox

You should soon receive an email like the one below

Hit Start Download


You’ll be redirected and a new window will open

Enter the same email address you used to log into the gallery

Tick the T&Cs box

Hit Download


You’ll be taken the next page with a file icon and underlined text underneath. This is the link to your files

Hit the icon or the link and your files will automatically begin downloading.

Saving your images

Underneath the file icons there are two buttons that lead to further help with saving your ZIP files
Hit whichever operating system you’re using to check these out


Important information about saving your images

Definitely worth a read!

We recommend saving your digital files in several locations to keep them safe and ensure you have backup copies should you need them. Pop them on a USB stick, on your cloud, email them to yourself - whatever you like!

In order to keep your high-resolution images in their best tip-top condition, we suggest that you download the original images directly onto a computer or a laptop. Where these will be able to preserve the best resolution of the images. You can of course share these images over to your mobile phones, social media etc - but just be aware that these images tend to be condensed and suppressed by apps compared to the original files.

If in the future you’d like to order any prints from us you’re more than welcome to, just let us know. With that said, if you decide to look elsewhere to get your images printed we suggest you use the original files on your laptop or computer to get prints.

have a Little peek at print options


Hopefully that has covered everything regarding accessing your gallery and downloading the images. If we’ve missed anything or you have a question for us send us a message